Friday, August 21, 2009

WTF of the week


Clyde Durgin said...

I've stopped being shocked at the shit that PeTA pulls. They're the craziest, most militant activist group I've ever seen short of al Qaeda.

David Tulloch said...

They do seem to have decided that all their activities should be WTF moments ... attacking Obama for swatting a fly, a video cooking game for not having ENOUGH vegetarian recipes ...

They are the 'media friendly' activists, making sure they get air time with nudity, stupidity and over-the-top statements.

Does anyone else smell a reality TV series here?

corrin said...

I have no respect for PeTA. Even when they have solid facts, their scare tactics and absurd marketing overshadows everything else.

Cady said...

PETA is one crazy organization. I don't listen to much of what they say.

Anonymous said...

I'm skinny and my diet consists of mainly MEAT. The last time I was shopping for groceries the extremely large couple in line ahead of me had veggie burgers in their cart and about a dozen cans of vegetables and loads of bottled water. And the couple cases of low fat yogurt - I assume for dessert? PETA had a respectable start with that poor lab monkey but they've let their recognition turn them into attention hungry dumbasses.

Maureen said...

I guess I'm the only PETA fan here. Yes, they do some crazy things. The only way to stimulate change is for a small group of people to be loud and create a stir.....they do that. They also have excellent programs and resources for anyone who is a member of goes to their site. I have been to their circus "protests" which are friendly and informative. Most people who find out what it takes for animals to perform are shocked. Some don't care and there is nothing you can do about it. But having a few people learn something helps. I think they do a great job.

When have you guys known our society to listen or react to logic or practicality?? You gotta do what you gotta do to get this ADD society's attention.

I say go PETA (I don't like that particular ad though....)